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Astar Classic 40W

Monograde mineral oil for diesel engines of all kinds, such as construction equipment, quarry machinery, buses, tractors, trucks, etc. Recommended lubricant to work under moderate service and more frequent oil changes.

  • High load and anti-wear properties.
  • Anticorrosion properties.
  • Good viscosity index.


  • API: CF/SF
  • CAT TO-2
  • M.B. 228.0
  • MAN 270
  • MTU Type I


Packaging Astar Lubricants
Analysis Type Method Results
Grade SAE 40W
Viscosity at 100º C. (cSt) ASTM D – 445 12.5 - 16.3
Viscosity at -30ºC. (cP) ASTM D – 5293
Viscosity Index min. ASTM D – 2270 105
Flash point (ºC) ASTM D – 92 230
Pour Point. (ºC) ASTM D – 97 -30
Sulphated ashes (% weight) ASTM D - 874 <2
TBN mg KOH/g ASTM D – 2896 >7

The data provided are based on standard tests in laboratory conditions and serve only as a reference point. This data sheet and the information contained herein are valid on the date of issue.

Safety data sheets are available on request in order to provide up-to-date information. The company can not be held liable for damage caused by misuse of the product and in case of non-observance of the specified precautions.